Sunday, December 18, 2011

Faux Christmas

Caution: the truth is sometimes hard to take.

….Know what I like best about Christmas?

At this time of the year people seem to smile more and act a little nicer than they usually do. All the decorations and colored lights are so festive and beautiful to me. Every year I have to put up with a little persecution from those who love the clear lights only, but it's worth it because I am a colored light fanatic!

I also enjoy hot chocolate and a warm fire as my wife and I watch all the Christmas feel-good movies that are shown on TV year after year.

And, of course, I love Christmas music! ……well….most of it, anyway. I'm still trying to figure out where the little drummer boy came from, and if grandma really did get run over by a reindeer, but those things can be thought about later…….

 The old Christmas songs and hymns bring back nostalgic memories of Christmases past. I love Christmas music so much that I've been caught singing it in July while strolling down the aisle in a store!

I also enjoy lighting the candles on our Advent wreath (this is a Christian tradition handed down from the Middle Ages). My wife and I light the candles and read the Scriptures each week concerning the prophecies of the coming Messiah. It is such a beautiful thing to do.

What I love most about Christmas is that this is the time of the year when we celebrate our Savior's birthday! Reading the Bible stories and imagining the events taking place so long ago is tender, comforting, and exiciting! Can you imagine what it must have been like to be with the shepherds in the fields and hearing the angels’ voices?...... and then running to see Jesus as a newborn! That would have been  awesome off the scale!

And then, of course, I always love hearing Linus recite the Christmas story from Luke chapter 2 (from the animated film “A Charlie Brown Christmas”). The event of this seems to bring a stop to everything and gives us focus on what really is important. This is something I enjoy very much hearing…... Follow this link and you can, too.

All of this introduces us to another step deeper into what I want to share with you. It is with caution that I approach my next statement unless I should be grossly misunderstood and sound like I am Mr. Scrooge, or at least his close cousin.

There are some things about the way that we celebrate Christmas today that I find confusing and like very little. Are you ready? ………..Here is what I like least about Christmas.



least of all……

presents that take away my focus from the birth of Jesus………….

When attention to the presents take away the emphasis from us celebrating Jesus’ birth, I become sad , frustrated, and disappointed.

Something that I heard today will help me explain what I mean……….

On TV this morning
As I was getting ready for work today, I was listening to a popular news network as they were interviewing a prominent country/western singer who is also a movie star. This celebrity was asked this question, “Tell us, what does Christmas look like at your house? How do you and your family celebrate it?”

His reply included the story of when he was a young boy and his father could not afford any presents for them that Christmas. In his story, it just so happens that when Christmas morning finally came that year, the children were all amazed that there were presents under the tree. His father explained to them that there was always a way to give the gifts that mean a lot to you. The celebrity then proceeded to explain that Christmas is all about giving the gifts that mean so much to you regardless of whether they are big ones or little ones.

As he talked, I wondered, ”Where is Jesus’ birth to be found in anything that he is saying?” I was not trying to be judgmental….….it was just that I was so disappointed in his answer.

You see, a problem that many have helped to promote is that the celebration of “Christmas” is equal to “the giving of gifts”.

Here is an example.

Have you ever heard anyone talking about a needy family (around Christmas time) and they made a statement that included words similar to these,  “…. and their children are just not going to have any Christmas this year!” You probably have heard this and maybe even said this yourself. I know that I have and am saddened that I was totally missing the point of the Christmas season………..

The reference to Christmas, when used this way, equates it with gifts. I have heard this countless times used by Christians who really know better but have been caught up in putting the emphasis of Christmas on the wrong thing.

The main thought that this suggests to us is that no gifts equals no Christmas for a family.

What is up with that kind of thinking?

I know that when I grew up, the meaning of Christmas was all about me getting gifts. I had no idea that it really was about anything else.

Years ago I asked the question to someone about why we gave gifts to each other at Christmas. The answer that I received seemed to confuse me. It was this, “The giving of gifts reminds us of God's gift of Jesus at Christmas time.”

That answer did not make much sense when it was given to me, and today, it seems even more far-fetched.

Consider this scenario:
When is the last time a young boy woke up on a Christmas morning, looked at his new four wheeler, and said, “Oh, thank you Dad! This camouflaged four-wheeler with a double high-rise seat and extra carrying bins remind me so much of Jesus being born on this day and how that He is God's salvation sent to us!”

What about this one:
A teenage girl gets up on a Christmas morning and opens a beautifully wrapped package. ”Mom, I can't believe it! Thanks so much for my new iPhone 4s . This reminds me so much of how that God loved me enough to send Jesus to be born on earth. Thank you for teaching me this, Mom, through the gift of my new iPhone!”

The real meaning of Christmas has been so stolen from believers, and I fear that I have helped this devious plan to be so successful over the years. Thankfully, I now pay closer attention each year at keeping my focus right when I give and receive gifts at Christmas.

The Question Arises……..
Where are you and your family in all of this?

Are you brave enough to take a test?
Just to let you know, for the test to work, you have to be very honest about your answers.

Write down the names of each of your family members on a piece of paper. Now, pretend that you went to them and announced that they would not be receiving gifts for Christmas this year. Instead, all the money normally spent would be given as gifts to help various people or ministries in order to place the emphasis on Jesus giving Himself to us at Christmas time.
Now….. write down the reaction that you think each family member would have---what would they say or how would they react?

How do the results of the test look?

Of course, if you are still doubtful as to the outcome, you can go and actually do this with your family…….
Someone might think, ”Well, Dan, this is a good way to help you get out of giving presents (you old Scrooge).”  And you might be right,......... except for the fact that you're wrong.

My wife and I love giving gifts at Christmas time and all year round…..especially those that draw attention to Jesus.

Please, let me reinforce to you that I love Christmas! It is one of the most favorite times of my year, but I just get really depressed and burned-out over the abuse of it.

The first Christmas was all about:
Ø The birth of Jesus
Ø Prophecies being fulfilled
Ø Salvation and redemption provided
Ø God's love expressed
Ø Joy -- from Mary, the shepherds, the Angels, and the two people in the Temple (Simeon and Anna)

Today's Christmas is mostly about:
Ø Gifts
Ø Decorations
Ø Parties and get-togethers
Ø Singing Christmas Trees
Ø Church Musicals
Ø Holiday time off from work and school
Ø Bonuses
Ø Black Friday sales
Ø Parades
Ø And last but not least, eating

I like all these things too!

But, my heart is broken when the emphasis is moved away from celebrating the birth of Jesus on to celebrating our own self-centeredness.

Personally, I like what the first Christmas was all about better than how we usually portray it today.
(I am afraid that I may be called a fanatic for teaching such things.)

Well, there you have it. I had no intention of messing up your Christmas celebration, but I do hope that this will help you re-examine the way that you celebrate the birth of Jesus and come up with your own way to make Him the most celebrated part of it all! Many Believers that I know already do so every year.

May God bless you so very much as we celebrate Him together!
My wife and I hope that you have the merriest Christmas you have ever had……..

In love and humbly submitted,



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