Saturday, September 17, 2011

Walking Out Your Faith

We live in an age filled with a broad spectrum of information.
Stock markets rise and fall on economic information received every day. Political decisions are based on the information gathered by the people who have political goals and agendas, and even wars are won or lost on the information gained by reconnaissance and spying. All of us recognize the common truth that, even in our best effort, sometimes the information we learn is false and sometimes it is true, but usually we do our best by what we believe to be true.

There is more information about the vast universe and dark depths of the oceans than we have ever had available to us before. Most of us have marveled at the pictures of mankind’s footprints in the dust on the surface of the moon. We likewise, have been amazed at the discoveries found by the machines that have been sent to Mars and into deep outer space.
One of those machines parked above the earth in space is the Hubble Space Telescope. The images that this device has sent back to the earth over the years boggle the mind and imagination.

Another such machine that we have sent into space is Voyager 1 that was launched from earth around 34 years ago. As of right now, Voyager 1 is about 10.8 billion miles from the Sun and is traveling almost 38,000 miles per hour. Very soon Voyager 1 will leave our solar system and head into deep outer space. During its trip, it has sent thousands of pictures that we never could have had any other way, and we have received reams of information that give us new insight into our solar system!

In recent years, we have also developed the technology needed to send data and messages worldwide in seconds. Any way you look at this, it is fascinating that we could gather the knowledge needed to accomplish this feat.

Did you know that satellites circling the earth can take pictures of you grilling a steak in your own backyard? They can even gather information on a getaway car that crooks have used while leaving the scene of a crime.

We humans have taken this knowledge and information to do these achievements that were almost unthinkable for some of us born within the last few decades. And yet, because we have used what we have learned, amazingly wonderful things have been made available to us all!

I love all this technology, information, and learning. It seems to me to be so very cool when we consider it all.  Hey, as far as I am concerned, the more technology we use, the better I like it!
While most of us are happy about all the stuff we have from technology, there are a lot more areas of information and learning that are just as exciting!

One such area that has seen much growth in new information is Christianity. Because of our many advancements, new doors have been opened and we have extended our outreach far across the world to many formerly unknown tribes and cultures on the earth. In several of these tribes, the information has been gathered that has enabled missionaries to speak the language of the people, develop an alphabet and write it down, then print off the Bible in their own language so that the nationals  can read it themselves. What a powerful blessing this is!

Today there are Bible programs on computers that place information into our hands which, less than a generation ago, were available to only a few highly educated people who could afford the books and the education to use them. Now we can use IPads in the pulpit, and we commonly use the internet to spread the good news of Christ. As I said, I love technology!

…Here is even more to consider….

Commentaries, Bible studies, and “how to" books in Christianity have been made available to us in unprecedented numbers and ways. The helps that we have now are amazing!
Just think….You got a problem in ministry? ……there is information in a book about it…
If you want to know:
          how to have a discipleship ministry
          how to have a men's or women's support ministry
          how to build a youth ministry
          how to work a multimedia ministry
          how to promote stewardship in giving
          how to build a singles ministry
          how to create a ministry for teens
          how to build an elder’s team
          how to outreach to your community
          how to make a missions ministry
          how to develop a children's ministry
          how to organize a leadership team
          how to organize a Sunday school
          how to develop small groups
          how to serve the homeless
          how to make a deacon board
          how to become a leader

……..the information is out there in a paper book, magazine, eBook, or it is just a few clicks away on the Internet. The resources available to us have become very abundant in number and we have a large variety of ways to access them……….MP3s, E-readers, DVDs, iPads, iPods, tablets, notebooks, apps, etc., etc.

In light of all the knowledge and understanding that God has given the Christian community today,  I want to ask a very challenging question to every believer who is reading this.

I don't ask it accusingly.
I don't ask it pridefully.
I don't ask it judgingly.
I do ask this very humbly.

What good is the information that we receive from the Bible and all those other resources if we don't include it into designing our daily living?
You know what I mean…….If  we don’t allow that information to transform our lives so that we may minister to those living around us and allow Christ to actively live through us, then of what use is it to us?

It is not enough just to know the Gospel, but what are we doing with that information?
It is also not enough just to know all about the scriptures that teach on prayer. The pressing question becomes, what am I doing with the knowledge that I have already learned about that subject? Am I walking out what I have learned, or am I just sitting on it?

In the Bible there is a concept that teaches us to apply all that we have received from the Lord to our daily life. This concept presents the idea of “walking out” that which we believe.
When we take what the Lord has taught us and couple that with what He has called us to do by putting it into action, then this is what is referred to in scripture as our “walk”.
Our “walk” is the platform and mindset from which we operate everything there is concerning our lives.

A few weeks ago, while I was talking with another Christian who is faithfully serving the Lord under some difficult circumstances, he made a statement that intrigued me. He said “Well, I guess we're going to walk out our faith wherever we are".

That is what Christ-like people do.

The Bible says a lot about walking out our faith.

The Greek word for walk means: to conduct oneself….. to be occupied with ……to walk at large.
Literally the word means to actively conduct everything about myself -- my life, my decisions, and my actions…… by what I know and believe in the scriptures.

In the Bible, Paul used this idea of walking out our faith a lot in his writings. Here are a few of the passages that the Holy Spirit had him record for us in order that we could learn and grow from them.

1 Thessalonians 4:1 NASB
1  Finally then, brethren, we request and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us instruction as to how you ought to walk and please God (just as you actually do walk), that you excel still more.

Philippians 3: 17 NASB
17  Brethren, join in following my example, and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us.

Ephesians 5:1-21 NASB
1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;
2  and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.

8  for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light

15  Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise,
16  making the most of your time, because the days are evil.
17  So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
18  And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit,

The word Careful means --  to turn the thoughts or direct the mind to a thing, to consider, contemplate, to look at, to weigh carefully, examine.

How are you at walking out your faith? A person walking out their faith can know the will of God, and be filled with the Spirit just like the verses 17 & 18 written above indicate.
On the other hand, a person refusing to walk out their faith will miss out, for the most part, on these wonderful things from God.
On second thought, they will completely miss out on those wonderful things from God………

Can you imagine a believer not being filled with the Spirit and not understanding God’s will?
What’s up with that?   What are those believers thinking?

Selah   (that means to stop and think about this)

The act of me walking out my faith should always affect whatever I am doing in every phase of my life!   As I am filled with His Spirit and understand the will of God, the walking out of my faith becomes a natural mode of operation for me. There is no faking it or forcing of it that has to happen
Most of you believe verses 17 and 18 above, and if so, then what are you doing with that knowledge?

Remember these things:
          It is not enough just to have the knowledge that God’s kingdom is built by the winning of
          souls. What are we personally doing with that knowledge?

          It is not enough just to know the vital Bible teachings about our Christian faith. What are we           doing about walking out those concepts in our lives?
          It is not enough for me just to put on a good religious act based on my Bible knowledge. Am I           really letting Christ live through me?

….only the brave should read beyond here……

Some very challenging questions can be asked right now, but we must be brave enough to face and answer them if we are going to advance from where we are in our Christian lives right now.

This is a session of going much deeper…….. and these are not wimpy questions to answer.

1 --What are you doing in your life right now that a lost person couldn’t also do?

Think about it a moment……..

Some might would say:
“Well, I lead a small group at church.”  A lost person could do that.
“Yea, but I also play in a worship band!” A lost person could also do that.
“Well Dan, I preached last Sunday!”  Ok…... I’m sure that a few lost people filled some pulpits somewhere last Sunday…. and maybe even did a better job than you or I did at delivering a message of some kind. Lost people can do this without a hitch.
“I went on a mission’s trip this summer.”  Lost people can do that, too.
“You don’t understand, I gave a really good offering to a great ministry this month!” I’m really glad that you did, but that can also be done by a lost person who has plenty of money. They could even wind up giving a lot more money than you did……
And here is the classic: “I am not really doing anything one way or the other.”  Lost people can do this quite well, too.

Striking out? You are probably not alone………..

Take a break while I ask this question to the pastors out there.

2 --Pastor, what are you and your staff members doing that trained lost people couldn’t also do?
Lost people can run programs, do counseling, prepare budgets, work technology, answer phones, run sound and multimedia, head-up missions programs, and run exciting youth programs, etc.

But why do I need to go any further? These questions, honestly answered, cause a lot of tight-gut feelings and they may even expose a lot of what we try to keep safely covered up.

Ok. Now what?

Let me begin by humbly offering an answer for the main question: “What am I doing in my life right now that a lost person couldn’t also do?

I will give four answers here…..several more could be provided, but they would all revolve around the same concepts.
          I can be filled with the Spirit of God and worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Lost people cannot do 

          I can be enabled to do any of the things in ministry as the Spirit of God produces the work
          through me……..again, a lost person cannot do that.

          I can also allow Christ to live through me…..a lost person cannot do that.

          The Fruit of the Spirit can be produced in me through the Holy Spirits free work in me….a
           lost person cannot experience this being done through them.

I can hear someone say, “Well, duh, we all know these things!”  …..and well we do, but what are you doing with the knowledge and information that you have right now? Are you walking them out in your life? If you are, then God bless you as you do! If you are not, then what good is your knowledge and information doing you?
I ask each of us this question, are we walking out our faith, or are we just comfortable with the fact that we know some great spiritual truths?

Let me share the defining characteristic between those who make a difference in the kingdom of God and those who just hang around living for themselves and waiting for heaven.
Those who make a difference in the Kingdom of God are walking out their faith!

Sometimes I get a mental picture of the Christians who just gather knowledge and never walk it out as looking like those humans, in the Disney movie “WALL-E”, who just hovered around in their chairs. They were totally consumed with themselves and everyone was very fat and lazy. Some Christians act like this when they do nothing with their faith but simply go to church, eat a fine Bible knowledge/worship meal, then just hover back home (fat and lazy) ready to do it all over again next week.

…..fat, lazy, Christians……so sad….so disappointing…..

If we are not doing it already, now is the time for us to walk out our faith, and refuse to just do the religious thing.  Repent of just lazily faking it, and ask Him for spiritual power to genuinely walk out our faith……

Humbly Submitted,


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