Yea, I know. Strange title.
Something that we all need to understand is that there really are two kinds of wisdom. The Bible talks about them both in the Book of James, and those who don’t grasp the conscious awareness of knowing the wisdom that they are working with, will usually be operating from the wrong one.
There is an earthly wisdom and a spiritual wisdom. People who are not believers in Christ are trapped into using only one of these. Believers, however, can use either if they want to. (The former at their own risk.) I would encourage you to be cautious here; one of the false assumptions that we normally have is, that just because I am a Christian, I am automatically using spiritual wisdom in all my life.
Nope. It just does not happen that way, and if you are acquainted with very many Christians, you know what I am saying is true. There is way more involved than that.
No Christian (pastor, teacher, layman or whomever else) just automatically uses spiritual wisdom by default. No, it is a choice done on purpose.
Sadly, not everyone knows how to tell which kind of wisdom is which. Many Christians are unaware that sometimes they are missing out on God’s best for them. (That best can be found only when working with spiritual wisdom and that is where we all want to be!)
The difference between knowing which wisdom is which, may wind up costing us much more than what we expect. We could find ourselves in places and situations of life where we would rather not be…….hurtful, painful, life damaging ones.
In James 3:13-18, God tells us about worldly wisdom and spiritual wisdom. Worldly wisdom you get from just being born, growing up, learning, and using your natural abilities. On the other hand, spiritual wisdom comes from God alone.
Listen! The worldly wisdom we so easily and comfortably use is really a bad path to follow! When I run my life from the position of worldly wisdom, I hurt people, become selfish, lie, am jealous, and just generally screw things up. (Read the Bible verses above.)
Usually people that live in worldly wisdom are really good at giving us pains in areas that most of us would prefer to not have pain.
(Right about now you may be seeing someone’s face in your mind. But consider this: is someone else seeing your face in their mind also? Ouch…..)
Non-believers cannot help but work from this position. They are slaves to it, and this really helps explain to us why unbelievers live the way they do. You see, they have no other choice.
In the world’s eyes, those who live in worldly wisdom (believer or non-believer) can have a degree of worldly success and, if success in the world is that person’s total goal in life, there can be accomplishments… but, in the end, they really are just emptiness filled with some sort of hollow satisfaction.
On the other hand, spiritual wisdom works differently and comes only from God.
James 1:5 “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to
In James 3:13-18, it tells what this wisdom produces:
Good Acts
Those working in the wisdom of God get the know-how to run their lives, marriage, business, career, family, and etc. These people have a kind of success that only God provides. If you have ever gotten to know one of these people, you know that they are comfortable to be around….you sort of begin to like them. They sometimes could remind you of Jesus…..
These kind of people are also living in a “no lose” situation! You see, not only do they live using Godly wisdom, but God can also use their natural wisdom in the proper way when it is placed into His hands.
The key to it all is that Christ has to run our lives. We must allow Christ to live through us and refuse to work in our own wisdom drawn from the world. What else could the Christian life really be?
Living in spiritual wisdom…..
It’s not that hard if we just ask Him for it.